Water shield plants, non-indigenous, and non-flower blooming invasive species have become prominent, especially in the Cove. A long-term project is underway with Lake Harmony Group and LHWPG to remove the water shield plants.
Read update in Reports.
Getting to Know Us
Lake Harmony Watershed Preservation Group
....uniting members of our community and making a difference through preservation...
The goal of the Lake Harmony Watershed Preservation Group (LHWPG) is to maintain and improve the integrity of the Lake Harmony Watershed. We are a non-profit corporation supported by charitable donations. Your donations are used for the scientific, educational, research and preservation initiatives required to assure the Lake Harmony Watershed and its surrounding community will survive.
Striving to unite our homeowners, businesses, vacationers, renters, guests and our many visitors, together we can find the best solutions for preserving the Lake Harmony Watershed integrity, now and for future generations.
As residents and property owners we are confident you know that Lake Harmony is a unique environment combining natural beauty and amenities for community enjoyment. Let's preserve this natural treasure together.
Why Do We Need Healthy Watersheds?
Earth is covered in 70% water. And 40-50% of our nation's waters are impaired or threatened. "Impaired” means that the water body does not support one or more of its intended uses. This could mean that the water is not suitable to drink, swim in or to consume the fish caught there.
The leading causes of pollution in our waterways are sediments, bacteria and excess nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorous). Although “nutrients” potentially belong in a healthy environment, they can cause big problems in a poorly managed watershed. Sediment can suffocate fish by clogging their gills and the presence of bacteria alone can indicate that other viruses and germs can be found in the water as well. Erosion, runoff of animal (or human) waste and overflowing of combined sewers are just a few of these pollutants reaching our waters.
Watersheds sustain life, in more than one way. For example, more than $450 billion in foods, fiber, manufactured goods and tourism depend on clean, healthy watersheds (US Environmental Protection Agency). Protecting a lake, river, or stream by managing the entire watershed that drains into it is critical. Clean, healthy watersheds depend on informed public to make the right decisions and to take the right actions for the environment and the community.
The Lake Harmony Watershed
“Lake Harmony is a natural glacial lake which has a very low watershed to lake basin ratio, with no significant streams contributing flow. The hydrology of the lake is supported primarily by rainfall runoff and springs within the lake bed. As such the flushing rate is very low; or conversely, the hydraulic retention time is very high. Therefore, materials which enter the lake and settle to the bottom, and particularly the nutrients, commonly may increase in concentration within the water column and support excessive growth of algae and aquatic plants.
The primary source of the sediments is from uncontrolled stormwater within the lake’s watershed, and particularly from dirt and gravel roads in areas with no or insufficient stormwater management controls.
Steep slopes on both sides of the lake have been developed with homes, lawns, and roadways, with little or no consideration for stormwater runoff which goes directly into the lake, carrying land-based pollutants such as roadway materials, eroded soils, organic matter, lawn fertilizers, pesticides, animal waste, and other materials.
Preventing erosion and sedimentation through proper stormwater management within the Lake Harmony watershed is critical to protecting the lake from these impacts, including deteriorated water quality, excessive algae and plant growth, and high turbidity from wind.” (Hanover Engineering Associates, Inc., November 2015 page 3).
Let's all focus together on the the Lake Harmony Watershed now and into the future. Peruse the LHWPG website and learn more about the history and methods for maintaining Lake Harmony, review the current engineering reports, consider the various ongoing projects and how you can contribute, attend our annual meeting, and provide your feedback on our Contact Us page...all ways we hope to engage with you and work toward continued improvements of Lake Harmony.
The Lake Harmony Watershed Preservation Group Officers and Board of Directors Website: www.lhwpg.org Email: Address: PO Box 791, Lake Harmony, PA 18624 Officers: Kathi Lex-President; Beth Hurley-Vice President; Kendra Schiek-Treasurer; Pending-Secretary Directors: Adam Hager, A. Garth Little, Louis Pantages, Brian Rafferty, Suzanne Schiller, Margi Slomiany |