Water shield plants, non-indigenous, and non-flower blooming invasive species have become prominent, especially in the Cove. A long-term project is underway with Lake Harmony Group and LHWPG to remove the water shield plants.
Read update in Reports.



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Event, Date & Time and Details


2024 Events

June 24 Lake Treatment
Lake Harmony will be vegetatively treated on Monday June 24 due to excessive weed growth identified throughout the lake. Please, no boating after 4:00 pm on Sunday June 23. Swimming may continue until the beach closes, and canoeing & kayaking are ok. Refer to the Message page for additional information.

June 8 Annual LHWPG Meeting
Scheduled June 8th at 10:00 am at the Kidder Township Firehouse;
Infomation discussed will be covered in Reports.

2023 Events

Fall 2023 Leaf Collection
Scheduled Nov. 6-8, 2023;
North & South Lake Drs, LaBarre Dr & Lake Dr homes should pile their leaves by the road for contractor leaf collection.

Water Shield Lily Treatment 
Water Shield Lily treatment began on Oct. 2, 2023.

Natureworks Algae Bloom Treatment
Algae Bloom treatment was performed on 8-17-23, follow-up pending;
The lake is accessible during this treatment (but not accessible during submersed weed treatment)

Natureworks Submersed Weed Treatment
Treatment finished 7-19-23, ok to access lake morning of 7-20-23, follow-up pending;
Review Important Messages & Reports

LHWPG Annual Meeting
Held 6-3-23 at the Kidder Township Office;
Infomation discussed is covered in Reports

Fall 2022 Leaf Collection
Finished week of 11/7/22;
North & South Lake Drs, LaBarre Dr & Lake Dr contractor leaf collection



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